Success Stories

Marshall County Life Center Frank Hoffman Day Care and Aquatic Center QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 leasing structure, TIF Source Loan Funding Non-Profit
Orange County Town Squares (French Lick & Paoli) Frank Hoffman Mixed Use CDE Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, Structure TIF Back Source Loan Financing & Leasing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Redevelopment Commission CDE Non-Profit
Avondale Community Center (YMCA & Medical Clinic) Frank Hoffman YMCA Mixed Use CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Redevelopment Commission CDE Non-Profit
Ivy Tech Community College Culinary Arts & Corporate Training Center Frank Hoffman Community College Facility CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal,501c2 lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Redevelopment Commission CDE, Grant source Loan Funding Non-Profit
Parkview YMCA Frank Hoffman YMCA QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, Bank Source Loan Funding using capital campaign Non-Profit
Parkview Hospital Frank Hoffman Hospital QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 leasing structure, Parent Source loan funding Non-Profit
Phoenix Theatre Education & Innovation Center Frank Hoffman Community Theatre QALCIB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 structure, TIF Source Loan Funding Non-Profit
Madam Walker Legacy Center Frank Hoffman Community Theatre QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 structure, Grant Source Loan Funding Non-Profit
Ivy Tech Automotive Training Center Frank Hoffman Community College Facility QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, Bank Source Loan Funding using affiliate foundation assets Non-Profit
Cook Goodwill Advanced Manufacturing Center Frank Hoffman Manufacturing Facility QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, Sponsor Source Loans funded Non-Profit
Providence Cristo Rey High School Frank Hoffman Catholic High School Bank Investor Client, Investor NMTC Legal, 501c2 lease structure, Sponsor Bank Loan using capital campaign Non-Profit
Winterfield Paper Plant Manufacturing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility Bank & CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal, Operating Business, Structure & Source TIF Back Source Loan Financing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Bank Trade Association CDE, structured the sale of state CRED Investment Tax Credits a source for the NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Hoosier Gasket Manufacturing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility Bank & CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Bank & CDE NMTC Legal, Operating Business, Structure & Source Bank Source Loan Financing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Bank Trade Association CDE For Profit
Big Splash Waterpark & Hotel Frank Hoffman Hotel Water Park Bank & CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Bank & CDE NMTC Legal, Build to Suit Lease Structure, Structure & Source TIF Back Bank Source Loan Financing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Bank Trade Association CDE For Profit
Procure Cancer Treatment Training Center Frank Hoffman Medical Commercial Bank & CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Bank & CDE NMTC Legal, Build to Suit Lease Structure, Structure & Source Bank Source Loan Financing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Bank Trade Association CDE For Profit
Brown Mackie Community College Frank Hoffman Community College Facility Bank & CDE Client, Sourced QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Bank & CDE NMTC Legal, Build to Suit Lease Structure, Structure & Source Bank Source Loan Financing, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Bank Trade Association CDE For Profit
Harrison Mixed-Use Retail, Office & Apartments Frank Hoffman Mixed Use CDE Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Redevelopment Commission CDE, Structure the sale of state CRED Investment Tax Credits as source of NMTC Source Loan For Profit
French Lick Resort Convention Center Expansion Frank Hoffman Convention Center CDE Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, CDE NMTC Legal, POB Operating Business, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, Redevelopment Commission CDE, Structure the sale of state CRED Investment Tax Credits as source of NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Studebaker Innovation Center Frank Hoffman Mixed Use QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Source NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan, structure the sale State CRED Tax Credit as source for NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Hello Nature (f/k/a/ Italpollina) Biostimulant Processing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Source NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Winona Building Products Manufacturing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Source NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Volumod Moludar Housing Manufacturing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Source NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
United Health Services Commercial Laundry Facility Frank Hoffman Commercial Laundry QALICB & CDE Client, Source QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, 504 Affiliate CDE, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Hello Nature MPS JV Biostimulant Organic Fertilizer Processing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility QALICB & CDE Client, Source QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, 504 Affiliate CDE, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
South Bend Chocolate Manufacturing and Marketing Facility Frank Hoffman Manufacturing facility QALICB & CDE Client, Source QALICB, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, CDE NMTC Allocation Application, CDE Formation, 504 Affiliate CDE, Source Bank NMTC Source Loan For Profit
Indy Fresh Cook JV Grocery Store Frank Hoffman Grocery Store QALICB Client, NMTC Structure, NMTC Initial forecast, Source NMTC Allocation, QALICB NMTC Legal, build to suit lease structure, Structure Sponsor NMTC Source Loan For Profit